(Initially published in http://www.romania-report.ro/ - Jun 30, 2005)
Bucharest, June 30 – "Romanian institutional framework meets the European standard, but a critical issue still exists: the institutions should actually function in an effective manner," President Basescu said at the "Democracy and Rule of Law in SEE: Challenges and Perspectives" conference.
The event, organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation*, was aiming to address pressing reforms in South East Europe. President Basescu opined that well performing public institutions would require significant re-training of professionals.
As regarding the judicial system reform, Basescu asked for "an accelerated change in mentality" of those implied in the act of justice, in order to become "independent and free of any political influence. (...) This is the key Romanian justice needs in order to perform as a real state power, under the rule of laws and national Constitution only."
"I believe it's only a matter of time until Romanian judiciary will become effective," President Basescu stated. As addressing the ethnic minority's issue – and Roma minority issue in particular –, President Basescu admitted, "Romania has a problem here, and I count myself among those politicians who think this is not a problem to be fully contained at a national level, but an issue to be tackled at the European level as well. Nevertheless, Romania is to accomplish its duty and the new ethnic minorities bill would create the necessary legal framework so that all minorities (apart from Hungarian minority) to enjoy the social rights required by the European standards."
President Basescu opined that in the very case of Roma minority "there are both an educational matter and a need for a 'consciousness awakening' regarding the existing rights and the manner of exercising these rights. Thus, the (Roma emancipation) process is expected to be slower, quite difficult, and definitely more costly. But, I declare without any hesitation that the present Romanian administration is determined to pursue policies aimed to provide actual emancipation for Roma minority."
When addressing the regional cooperation issues, President Traian Basescu said: "Romania must assume responsibility as a democracy provider in the region, by promoting the EU concept related to Western Balkans ethnic issues. (...) By having in mind that the European standards are both mandatory and they represent the fundamental condition in solving regional conflicts, my assessment is that, by now, the tensions in Western Balkans are quite dispersed. We are witnessing a reconstruction phase and the European approach regarding autonomy and countries cooperation seems essential with a view of solving Western Balkans conflicts."
President Basescu also said that promoting hard-line nationalism in the Western Balkans is an obsolete solution at this point: "They are fooling themselves those trying to negotiate their way to Europe on the ground of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional disputes."
President Basescu reminded that: "As tensions in Western Balkans resulted in the war followed by disastrous outcomes, we should seriously engage EU and NATO member states in solving the conflicts within the Black Sea region – i.e. Trasdniester, Nagorno Karabakh, Osetia, Abhazia."
Basescu believes that through diplomatic efforts and peaceful means, the Black Sea region frozen conflicts must be solved before irreversibly degenerating in the same manner they did in the Balkans.
Romania needs a proactive foreign policy in this part of the world, as the country is located just in between the Western Balkans and the Black Sea regions. Such an active role, President Basescu said, is not meant "for Romania to gain any kind of 'regional leadership' status, but mainly for fulfilling the country's obligations towards EU and NATO."
*) The 'Konrad Adenauer Foundation' is related to the Christian Democratic movement. Having emerged from the 'Society for Christian Democratic Education Work' founded in 1956, it was named after the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic in 1964. We are guided by the same principles that inspired Adenauer's work.
Romania Report
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